Sunday, October 28, 2007

And We Should Believe Them Why?

I was making a bowl of ramen noodles a bit ago and asking myself whether I should use a plastic or a glass bowl to cook them in because I was going to use the microwave. I'm sure there are quite a few people who have heard it is dangerous to use plastic in the microwave because it is related to breast cancer. I know I have. But I have also heard that it isn't. So who to believe? If it is true the manufacturers of plastic products stand to suffer a bit and men and women are at a much higher risk of getting breast cancer. We could look to our government, the FDA, to give us an answer but can we trust them? Can we rely on them to think about our interests and not the manufacturers and drug companies lining their political pockets? I have to We can't believe them.

If we need an example of the truth of the matter lets examine the governments stance on smoking for umpteen years. They stood by the tobacco companies insisting that smoking was not dangerous to our health and it definitely, without a doubt, did not cause cancer. Uh-huh. Well...we know now that was a huge freaking cover up that lasted for years. And we sucked it up...literally. Why? Because our government said so. Big brother blindfolded us and sent us to play in traffic and we went willingly.

So what about other things that are floating around being naysayed by our government? Hmm.

1) The aluminum in deoderant is bad for us...could be a possible cause of alzheimers. Our government swears this is untrue. Is it? Think...tobacco...cancer.

2) Aspertam is dangerous, a poison to our body. I know when I quite drinking diet pop I felt a hundred times better. I also lost over 15 pounds and have no problem losing weight now. In all...I've lost 52 lbs and I feel better. My blood sugar is also manageable now. But the manufacturers of the additive swear it is okay...they even sponsored government reports to prove it...

3) Plastic bowls release toxins into your food when you use them in the microwave that are directly linked to breast cancer. But if you ask our government they say it is a complete falsehood. Hmm...tobacco...

4) There is a cure for cancer that other countries are allowed to use but we aren't. Our government denies it of course. But if it is a lie why do you hear of people, who have the money, leaving our borders and coming back cured?

5) The chemicals used in our personal products (shampoo, toothpaste, soaps) are dangerous to us and the environment and have been banned by other countries. But not ours.

So, these are just a few of the things floating around but these are not the only. What about information pertaining to all those pretty shining lights in the sky that could not possibly be anything but products of our imagination or weather balloons? And what about the 60's moon mission where part of NASA's transmission was captured before they could cut it off? The one where the astronauts are flipping out because they have "an unidentified bogey" coming at them? Or the one where NASA swore we could not possible map the surface of the moon because of it's brightness? What a lie that turned out to be when in 1999 the Hubble telescope did just that...much to the ire of NASA. And just recently the effort of a journalist to get NASA to release the truth about a crash of an UFO in the sixties that they refused to allow anyone to see? NASA is fighting that one tooth and nail.

Here are just a few of the sights I have found about NASA and our government trying to cover things up.
(Whats's up with this one huh? Something there they don't want anyone else to see?)

This website talks about the face on Mars. The government of course has spent lots of time refuting this one...but once proved a liar... (you have to watch this one)

I find it incredulous that our government has a hard time understanding why so many people have so little faith and so little belief in them. What are they...completely moronic? If they need to work on anything it is restoring faith in their capabilities...their reliability.

Sigh. These are just a few of the problems with our government. It makes you wonder why we bother even going to the polls. I don't know the answer to that question myself and I always vote even though I do not have faith in our system anymore. So many many cover much bullshit.

Is the truth out there? If it is...where? Like Moulder...I want to believe. But can I? Can any of us?

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Feeling Out of Sorts....

You know...I like to think I am completely flexible...very viable person, but not today. Today I am tired, cranky, and exhausted.

My writing partner Mark wants to incorporate all his books into the God Wars series. Not happening for me. I just can't seem to wrap my mind around it all. It is too overwhelming. I am currently wracking my brains out trying to keep all of the stories in line and on time and now he wants to go and throw a monkey in the works. Good Lord. I like some of what he is postulating but I'm just not sure about the rest.

I don't want to burst his bubble. I adore Mark. He is one of my very best friends. I've decided to take a break from the whole thing and just focus on my books. I have lots of stuff on the back burner and that's where I am going to head. I'm just really disappointed that we won't be submitting the trilogy now. I had my heart set on this.

Oh well. I hope it all washes out in the end. I was going to write tonight but I can't. I really want to talk to someone but everyone is either in bed, not logged on, or too busy. I am really lonely and feel a bit heartbroken tonight. Sometimes I wish I did have someone. Well...maybe. I don't know.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Great-grandma Betty pleads innocent to resisting arrest over dead grass

You know, I don't know what this world is coming too, especially our government and law enforcment. So often you read about crazy, half baked incidents that just don't make any sense. For instance, Betty Perry in Orem, Utah.

It seems that a 70yr. old woman could not afford to water her lawn so the city of Orem, Utah had her arrested. Yep, you heard it right...arrested. How asinine is that? Let's see...we have people being murdered, mugged, threatened, abused...yeah, I guess not watering your lawn fits right in there. And to make matters even more absurd...the officer arrested her for resisting arrest and she tripped and hurt herself. Boy, she must of been a tough one to wrestle to the ground and drag to the car. I bet she was a real the stuffed ones on my couch. Hey...don't laugh. They can be hard to manage when you're trying to vacuum the couch and avoid sucking their tails in the hose.

And what is even worse, there were a few people who had the gall to comment against the old woman...such as:

IWonder: 9/18/2007 1:41:00 PM

70 is not that old anymore. I am 70 and work full time. We use computers, email, cell phones, and all the modern appliances. My husband is 76 and keeps our yard weeded and mowed. Besides, do you think age should allow you to ignore laws that are for the betterment of a community? Who wants a messy house or yard in their neighborhood? Yes, lots of us don't have tons of money, but since when was money an excuse to ignore being a good neighbor. You had better re-think this "old" excuse because there are a lot of us in the communities of the U.S.

I could not believe this person had the balls to say this. Not everyone who reaches that age is 'Super Senior'. Hell, by the time my mom was 65 she had a bum hip, arthritis, a bad back, and a numerous other ailments. I agree with what "onlyinutah" had to say:

onlyinutah: 9/18/2007 2:06:00 PM

I wonder, I think you brought up a good point you have a husband who takes care of your yard not everyone has that pleasure, and good for you that you can do all these things but not every 70 year old can keep up with you, and if you are so active why don't you offer to help her out and you and your husband go over and offer a little extra yard work and help keep your neighborhood nice and clean It is people like you that more than likely turned her in to begin with. So maybe in a year or two when you break your hip or get bad arthritis and cant do your yard work some body will be nicer to you and give you a break. I'm damn glad you are not my neighbor.

Amen that to that! But you know, people like "Iwonder" are everywhere. They don't care about anyone but themselves. How sad. But what goes around comes around. I firmly believe that. I've seen it happen.

I am thoroughly saddened and completely disgusted. Where are we going as a nation? What are 'we the people' going to do about our politicians and law enforcement?

What a complete mess.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Totally kicking butt...

It is so exciting. We are doing rather well with the pod casting. We have been at this for about a month and we have had over 400 downloads. It is like way exciting. I don't know what to think. Mark wasn't optimistic about the amount of downloads we would get the first few months but now...he thinks we might make way over 1000 by the end of the year. We are just super happy about it. Thanks everyone.

After we are done with the first trilogy we will start work on the second set. We are thinking about opening it up to other writers. We are hoping some of the authors we are currently hooking up with will be interested in writing for the series. It is kind of scary though. If we don't like what they have then it will be hard to tell them no thank you. I say this because I am really picky and have high expectations of other writers. Mark and I are both very particular about what passes for good writing. Wow. This is going to be hard.

Anyway, come check us out at

Here is a sample of another writing project I am writing on.

All Rights Reserved. Copywrite Elizabeth Draper 2007

Blue (chapter 3, 4, 5)

I walked out into a twilight forest, a soft breeze blowing through my hair, and tried to ignore the shadow walking behind me. Maybe if I pretended the pesky little bugger wasn't there, he would leave me along.

"Brigit, I insist you stay and talk with me."

Or not.

Cor's voice was crisp and demanding, his anger riding just below the surface of his outward calm.

"Look Dude, I'm not staying here. I appreciate you helping me out back there at the bar when things got hairy, but all that crap about me being some super warrior, and being the last brigand, well…that just ain't me and I don't really want it to be me."

The shadow moved up closer to me, raising the fine hairs on my neck. It bothered me to have someone I didn't know, or like, at my back.

"It doesn't matter what you want. You are who the goddess made you and none other."

I rolled my eyes. This guy was a regular air bag of wisdom. And I wasn't sure, but I think he liked hearing himself talk. "I make my own destiny Dude. I left fairyland a long, long, time ago and haven't regretted it since."

"My name is Cor -- not dude. And had the Queen not stolen the throne, you would have been raised in the court to be the Warrior and Dam nu' Air. It is only by your own unwillingness to come back to court that this did not happen."

He placed himself at my side and was walking so close I could smell the sandalwood scented cologne he was wearing.

I stopped abruptly and so did Cor. He was good; didn't miss a beat this one.

"Let me tell you something, Cor." I turned and looked up into his face. With the sun's light only a dim reminder on the horizon, his dark features were cast in even darker shadows but I knew he was looking down that long perfect nose at me -- face arrogant, eyes half lidded. It didn't usually bother me others were taller then myself, but he was using my lack of height as a means of measuring me. That just plain pissed me off.

"I was nine years old—nine—and nobody, and I mean nobody came to my aide when that bitch had me strung up in the middle of her bedroom trying to fillet me." I poked him in his chest, staggering him backwards. "Not you, not the guard, not my father's friends, nobody, and don't give me any shit about not having enough time because I spent twenty nine days in her tender care. I only got out of there because the pain was so excruciating that I came into my powers early. And if that didn't make it clear how much she hated me and wanted me dead, the thirty years of being chased and hunted by her 'faithfully ugly' pretty much set it in stone. So screw you, screw the court and screw your half baked ideas about destiny." I turned and started walking again. "Where the fuck were any of you when I needed someone to protect me?"

Memories of those thirty years came back to me in harsh flashes of sorrow and loneliness. I could not count the number of places I had put down roots only to have the Queen and her harpies rip them up. It wasn't until I learned to use my glamour that I escaped to America. And the journey across the Atlantic with all those filthy and overly superstitious pilgrims had almost killed me.

Cor was beside me again. Damn. The man was like a starved dog on a dry bone. He wasn't going to quit until he got to the marrow.

"None of that matters now Brigit. You are here now and things can begin anew."
I stopped again. This time I was so pissed I had to close my eyes and take deep breaths. The sound of thunder could be heard in the distance.

"You are Brigit of the house of Ronan and your destiny is that which the goddess has chosen for you. You need to get over the past and move forward."

"It's Blue." I hissed.

"You were blessed by the sacred waters of Danu and named after our three fold goddess Brigit. You do her memory a disservice by renaming yourself." Cor's anger shimmered in the air between us and added fuel to my own.

I put my hand over my face. Didn't this guy ever shut up? "Look. I don't give a crap about who I'm offending. Okay?" I was close to shouting. "I like the name Blue. Brigit can keep her freaking name. And I don't want to join your little group of 'save the fey'. Get off my ass, stay off my nerves and shut up a you mouth!" I said the last part in my best Italian accent. I turned and started stalking toward the other end of camp. I didn't want to be preached at anymore. I just wanted to go home to my garden.

From out of nowhere a gale force wind knocked me face first to the ground. I tried to move but it blew and shoved at my back like a giant hand trying to squish me.

Cor walked around in front of me and squatted. "Don't you ever blasphemy the goddess again. Or prophecy or not, I'll blow that pretty little head right off your body." Rage that did not show on his face flashed in his eyes as dark brown tornados. I could feel the heat in his stare and his power pouring over my body. My chest tightened and for the first time since he'd taken me from the bar, I got a good look at who and what Cor of Ravensdown really was.

Holy Goddess. He was a full blown air elemental. No pun intended.

"Do we have an understanding Brigit?" He hissed my name between clenched teeth and the hand on my back grew heavier. I gasped as the air in my lungs was crushed out by his magic. I gave the barest of nods and Cor stood up.

"Don't leave the camp or Liam will find you a nice prize for his Queen." Cor turned and as he did, the pressure left. I sucked in a large lungful of air and started coughing. I pushed myself up and immediately regretted doing so. The world swam around me and I laid back down.

"Bastard." Who the hell did he think he was? I'd leave if I wanted to and damn be the consequences. Just wait until I could stand. Leaving was the first thing I was going to do.

"He's a bully isn't he?"

I stopped cussing and rolled on my back. A tall sidhe warrior stood barely a foot from me. Where had he come from?

"I am Aries. You must be our honored guest, Blue?"

His smile was kind and warm and his face shone like the first tender moments of dawn. Golden waves of hair flowed down his front and ended just above his waist. And his eyes, by the goddess, were they twinkling? It was like being in the presence of some forgotten sun god. I was a bit stunned. I'd never seen a man that damn gorgeous.

He reached a hand to me and I took it before my common sense could kick in and tell me to stop. It was smooth and firm and as I gained my feet I stumbled into him. His arm encircled my waist to steady me and I found myself staring deep into those sparkling blue eyes. A tingling sensation traveled over my skin and my senses became closed off. All I could see or hear or feel was him.

"Are you alright?" His voice was a soft whisper against my face and the scent of fresh rain and lilacs filled my nose. Was that him smelling that inviting or my own magic going a little wonky?

"Yeah." My heart fluttered, my breathing became shallow. I realized with a strart my hands were sliding down the man's chest. What the hell was I doing? I closed my eyes and tried to slow my breathing. When I thought I could speak, I pushed myself reluctantly away. Aries' hands slid from my body and left tendrils of warmth in their wake. I opened my eyes, thinking the distance would help, but the urge to touch that firm expanse of chest was overwhelming. I stared at Aries chest a bit longer then I should have before I took another step backwards, placing him just out of my reach.

"He likes doing that to people." Aries voice glided over my skin like silk and my lower body tingled. I wanted to do him right then and there.

"Are you all right?" He asked.

I shook my head. Something was definitely not alright. Being attracted to another person is one thing, but wanting to tear their clothes off and fuck them till they couldn't stand, well, that took magic.

"What are you?" I breathed.

"I beg your pardon?" Golden, feathery eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Are you a nymph of some sort or maybe a descendant of a siren?"

Aries confusion suddenly turned to surprise. "I am sorry." He stepped backwards several feet and as he did the tingling stopped but my body ached for him to be closer again. I started to take a step forward.

"Blue…don't. Use your magic to block mine."

I nodded, numb and a bit uncomprehending, and gradually began to raise my power like an invisible wall. Aries moved back even further from me. The smell of rain came again as well as the sound of thunder and waves crashing against some distant shore. The urge to molest him left me and my breathing steadied.

"My grandmother was a wood nymph. Sorry about that." A slight flush crept across his high cheekbones. "I didn't think the Warrior would be so easily swayed by such trivial magic."

I frowned and narrowed my eyes. "And what do you mean by that?"

Aries shook his head and shrugged. "Nothing. I just…look…"

I raised my hand to stop him. "Nevermind. Forget I asked. I'm a little cranky right now." And I was. First I get lectured and thrown to the ground by the world's biggest egotist then I nearly get seduced by some hunky stranger who didn't even mean too. Talk about the opposite ends of the spectrum. "It was nice meeting you Aries." I turned and headed for the other end of the camp…again. My mood was growing darker and I just didn't want to be around anyone.

"Where are you going?"


In less time then it took for me to blink, he was standing in front of me on the path. I started and swore at him.

"That isn't a wise choice."

How the hell had he done that? My anger, already simmering beneath my skin, ignited. "And who's going to stop me?" My voice become lower - not a good sign.

Aries hesitated before he answered. "I guess…me." He shrugged and gave me an apologetic smile.

"Get the hell out of my way before I literally rain all over your sunshiny head."

My hands balled into hard fists and the first hint of rain speckled his face.

Aries looked at the darkening sky, his eyes wide with wonder; not what I was looking for. I channeled my anger into the air and a distant rumble reverberated around us. Aries' mouth formed a silent 'wow' and then looked back at me. "I did not know you were an elemental. Why did you allow Cor to lay you out like that?"

I lost focus for a moment and the thunder receded. "I wasn't expecting him to do that and he did not 'lay me out'." I huffed.

Aries nodded. "I understand now. It's not that you aren't powerful enough, you just have no battle experience."

I thought about it a moment then nodded. Natural born warrior or not, I was a singer in a rock band and you just didn't encounter too many hostile forces…unless it was a two for one night and the place was loaded with drunks. Things could get out of hand then. But even so, we just usually slipped out the back. Nope. No fighting for me.

Aries started walking toward me and I backed away as he did, keeping at least a two feet between us. "Don't come any closer to me or I'll fry your butt." At least I hoped I could. I didn't like the thought of hurting someone and he hadn't really done anything to me…yet.

Aries smile spread across his face, slow and seductive. "I can't let you leave Blue. You are all that stands between us and the fading. And I don't want to fade Blue. I like living."

His magic pressed against me as if his hands were caressing my skin. I shuddered, and stopped backing away as it moved lower. I tried to focus and reinforce my shields but his magic pushed further into me. I moaned and stumbled forward into his arms. Desire flooded me like warm chocolate and I wrapped myself around his body, pulling him to my mouth. I had to have him.

Aries hands roamed at will and I didn't stop him. I wanted too, I knew I was being rolled, but I couldn't think past my burning body parts, the lower ones in particular. His hands had found the bottom of my skirt and pushed it up around my waist. I grabbed at the front of his pants and started undoing them. His mouth moved to my neck, biting me hard enough that I knew his teeth would be imprinted upon my skin. I moaned and shoved my hand inside his pants, grabbing his hard thickness in my hand and stroking.

"Oh Blue…" He groaned and backed me against a tree, his hand slipping between my legs.

"What the Hell are you doing?" Cor's voice cut through the air like a sonic boom and the crushing wind came back.

Aries tried to turn his head to look at him but couldn't. "I'll tell you if you tone down your gale." He shouted.

The air ceased trying to crush us and Aries carefully let me go, keeping himself between Cor and his view of me, while he straightened my clothes. Then Aries turned and faced Cor.

"She was trying to leave."


"I stopped her the only way I knew how."

My face started to burn and as it did, my embarrassment helped chase away Aries magic.

"What? By pinning her to a tree and shoving your hand up her…"

"That's enough Cor." Aries voice was deeper, more dangerous, his soft whispers gone with the wind. "I did what I could, short of using my other powers on her, which would have been more then a bit unpleasant."

My eyes widened. What other powers?

"You could have came and told me and I would have dealt with her." Cor's voice grew lower and the wind increased in strength. I was now being pinned against the tree again, only it wasn't nearly as pleasant when Aries had done it.

Aries stood his ground. Tendrils of soft, tantalizing hair blew back into my face and caressed my skin. I felt his magic even in those few brief touches and had to restrain myself from reaching for him.

Aries laughed, short and unpleasant. "You are not the leader here Cor, I am. So put your jealousy away and stop acting like a child."

Cor's mouth dropped open and his eyes grew wide; the wind died down to a strong breeze. "I am not jealous. Second, this is a joint effort and you don't tell me what to do or how to handle my prisoner."

Prisoner? Did he just refer to me as a prisoner? And just who the Hell were these two clowns? Sweet goddess. I had been kidnapped and didn't even know it.

"Your prisoner?" Aries sounded indignant. "I was the one who found her in the first place and warned you about Liam."

"Speaking of Liam, how did he know where she was to begin with?" Cor's voice hissed out through clenched teeth and his eyes had narrowed to slits.

"Do we have to do this now?" And his head jerked in my direction.

I pushed myself away from the tree and walked around Aries so that I stood between the two of them. "Yeah…we do. Because I have just learned I am being held here as a prisoner and I'd like to know why?"

"I told you why I brought you here. It is for your own protection." Cor said.

"Well I didn't seem to need protecting until he tracked me down and told everyone where I was at." I jerked my thumb in Aries' direction and placed my hand on my hip. "Want to try that answer again?" I narrowed my eyes and glared at Cor then turned my gaze to Aries.

Aries turned his head away and had the decency to look sorry. "I didn't tell Liam anything."

"I have told you all you need to know for now. You will stop being a child and allow myself to be your escort and that is the end of it." Cor replied, ignoring the other man's protest.

I looked back at Cor and studied his face. His lips, which I thought were so attractive when I first met him, were now pressed together so tightly it looked like someone had drawn them on his face with an eyebrow pencil. I scowled at him and folded my arms.

"Screw you. I'm leaving and I don't give a crap what—"

The wind roared down from above but I was ready this time. I dove to the ground and rolled out of the way. I was up and running, my magic already responding to my call, pulling water from the earth and the air, making the ground behind me a sopping, muddy, mess. Small pellets of hail spit from the sky, and I heard my captives, for that is what I thought of them now, cursing as it stung their exposed flesh. I could hear Cor's wind and my rain slashing at the air behind me as he tried to keep the rain and hail from attacking them. I sprinted through the trees, thankful I had chosen the low, flat boots over the higher heeled ones. Low hanging branches tore at my face and clothes like they were trying to reach out and grab me. Then one finally did.

I tumbled and rolled across the ground, scraping my hands and knees. I tried to push myself back up but before I could become fully erect someone flew into me from behind. I charged the air and called forth the lightening.

"Don't! You'll fry us all!"

I kicked and screamed about in the water and mud, fear fueling my magic beyond any sense of control. Strong arms jerked me up from the ground and the wind shot up from beneath, lifting my captor and myself straight into the air. The lightening struck the ground directly below us and traveled along the river of water like a shockwave. Trees caught fire and fell and bits of bark and limbs pummeled us as they flew upwards from the force of the blow.

I stopped resisting, shock freezing me more effectively then any spell. I looked up from the ground to find an angry, terrified Cor hovering in front of me, soot and splinters of wood covering his face.

"You idiot!" He shrieked. Cor drew his hand back and struck me across the face. The blow sent both Aries and myself spinning like a top into a tree where Cor pinned us, again, against the still warm trunk.

"Put us down you fucking asshole before I decide to dissolve our partnership literally." Aries sounded panicked and more then just a little angry.

I tried to focus but the right side of my face was one big heartbeat of pain and Aries held me so tight I couldn't breathe. The smell of singed hair filled my nostrils and I wanted to throw up. Fuzzy images filled my sight then like someone had switched off the lights, there was nothing.

When I awoke, I found myself in bed, cuddled in close to Aries. My head rested on his forearm and my arm was draped across his chest. That firm, beautiful chest.

I tried to lift my head but as soon as I did, the heartbeat returned to the side of my face. I groaned and rested upon his chest again.

"Blue?" His voice was a whisper again, soft and alluring. "How do you feel?"

"Like shit." It hurt to talk and I groaned again.

"Sorry." Aries touched my face where Cor had hit me. His touch felt good - warm, tingly. "He broke your check bone when he hit you. It is nearly healed but not quite."

"Where am I and how long have I been out?"

"In my bed and it's now mid-afternoon. You've been out for almost fifteen hours."

What? His bed? I looked more closely at the two of us. His chest was bare above the covers. Was it the same beneath? I swallowed and pulled the blankets up around me and that's when I realized I wasn't wearing anything but a nightshirt. Where was my underwear?

"Do you…I mean, are you…" My face started getting warm. I moved my leg away from his and slid my head onto my own pillow.

Aries smile become impish and his eyes seemed to brighten with mirth. "Wondering if I'm nude aren't you?"

My heart started to flutter like it had in the forest. My face burned like it was on fire, making the side of my face hurt even more. "No." But yes.

Aries sat up slowly in bed, the covers sliding lower on his body. "You're lying Blue."

I had a moment of near panic where I thought I was going stop breathing. The memory of his hands on my body and his mouth devouring mine was so strong that it was like he was kissing me right then and there. That's when near panic turned into real panic. I shoved him away from me and pulled the covers over my head.

There was a thump and a loud string of swear words.

"Damn it Blue!"

My eyes were squeezed shut under the covers. I didn't want to see him naked. Even through the pain I didn't have that much self control and the last time I checked, he was just as much to blame for my kidnapping as Cor was.

"You can uncover your head Blue." Aries didn't sound playful anymore. He sounded annoyed.

I hesitated a moment, then I carefully lowered the covers. Aries stood next to the bed, hands on his hips, scowl on his face, and boxers on his body.

"Do I look naked to you?"

I shook my head. Then another embarrassing thought occurred to me. "How did I get into this nightshirt?"

Aries smile crept back across his face. "For one, that isn't a nightshirt. It's a shirt from my closet. And for another," he paused and his smile grew positively wicked, "I'm not going to tell you."

I scowled at him and hugged the covers.

His laugh came abruptly and echoed through the room.

"I have been a complete gentleman Blue." He shook his head at me. "I slept in that bed with you all night and kept my hands to myself, even when you did things in your sleep that indicated I should have been otherwise inclined."

I wanted to throw something at him. His enjoyment of my discomfort was not making us fast friends.

"Besides," Aries slowly crawled across the bed until he was only inches from my face. He was no longer teasing, his mouth no longer curved in amusement. His eyes captured my own and held me entranced. "I want you to come to me without it being forced upon you."

His breath caressed my cheek and I couldn't breathe again. "You are simply one of the most beautiful fey I have ever met." His eyes were a deep blue like the sky just before twilight. I reached a hand out to touch his face and as our skin made contact, his lips, so full and smooth and pink, parted in a sigh.

What was I doing? This man was not my friend. I shoved him away from. He fell effortlessly backwards, then propped himself up on his elbows. I stared down the long, muscled length of him and lingered in places, which only the night before, I had my hands wrapped around. I tried to slow the beating of my heart but seeing him nearly nude made it impossible.

"Can you please put some clothes on?" I choked the words out.


I turned my head away. Maybe if I stopped looking at him I could think past my hormones. "You and I are never going to have sex."

"Yes we will."

I whipped my head around and glared at him. "Get out." I pointed toward the door.

Aries let his head fall back and laughed. It was like the rustle of trees, the babbling of a brook, like all the unsung melodies of the birds. It was magic and he was trying to suck me under again.

I grabbed my pillow and lurched across the bed, swinging it as I did. With a resounding 'whump' and a startled cry, I knocked Aries from the bed. He landed on the floor. And much to my satisfaction, it sounded like it hurt.
Aries arose from the floor slow and careful, and from the look on his face, really pissed. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. But hey, nobody does their hoodoo on me and gets away with it.

I tensed, expecting him to start yelling at me but he didn't. He simply reached over and touched the chair at the end of the bed. At first I thought he was going to throw it at me but he just kept staring, eyes narrowed, nostrils flared.

I was about to speak when he let go of the chair. It shimmered briefly then broke apart into a thousand drops of dried chips. I was so startled that I didn't see he had moved until his mouth was next to my ear. I tried to jerk away but he grabbed the back of my head and held me in place.

"Don't. Piss. Me. Off." His breath was hot, nearly scalding.

I whimpered. Didn't mean too, but it hurt.

"I can do all kinds of neat little tricks Blue. Mean, nasty little tricks. Try to keep me using my more pleasurable talents." Aries' breath cooled. His tongue flicked my earlobe and drew it into his mouth. As he sucked on it, pleasure danced over my skin but not even the heat of his magic could thaw the cold fear in my heart.

He let me go. I scrambled across and out of the bed. My heart was thudding so loud I thought it would explode inside my chest. "If you want to touch me you ask my permission or you're gonna' find I have a few nasty tricks of my own."

My words sounded braver then I felt. Would he really do that chair thing to me?

Aries sat there looking at me, a look of concentration on his face then slowly he stood. "Have it your way Blue. But make no mistake that if you try to get away again, I won't hesitate to stop you – anyway I can." His body shimmered with sweat and the air grew steamy.
I couldn't look away from him. I wanted to but the fear in my gut wouldn't let me. Keep that one in sight at all times, it whispered. Cause if you don't you may end up dead. And in my book, dead was not good.

I paced in Aries' bedroom, finished with my dinner. It had been a couple of hours since I had seen my charming captors. They had stopped in long enough to read me their version of the Geneva Conventions rules on prisoners.

1) I was not to leave the bedroom. My camp roaming days were over.
2) Trying to escape would only get me put into iron shackles.
3) If I wanted my clothes and my independence back, I had to swear an oath of non-betrayal to their cause.

The last point was of serious contention between the two of them because Cor initially wanted me to swear my undying loyalty to him. I thought for sure I was going to have a chance to escape when he said that because Aries nearly blew a vein out when he heard it.

Unfortunately, my captors were a bit more united then I had thought.

When they calmed down I told them to go screw themselves. For that I got a look of fury from Cor and hopeful lust from Aries.

I was now alone, and underwear-less. This outranked any predicament I had ever been in and that included the time I woke up naked in someone's tree house, in the middle of December and had not a clue how I got there. I walked over to the bed and flopped down, my face still throbbing (chewing had hurt like hell) and more then a little tired. I laid back on the bed and tried to think of a way out of this mess. I mean, what would the real Warrior and Dam nu' air do if they were in my position? Well, to begin with, I shouldn't have let them capture me in the first place. I thought. This really irritated me, so I decided to try and answer another thing that had been bothering me. Which was: why were a dark elf and a light elf consorting together?

It wasn't like dark and light elves hated each other, some did, but it was really a matter of religious choice. Dark elves believed that Brigit, the goddess I am named after, was the true heart of sidhe people and she alone had ensured the survival and prosperity of the Sidhe Nation. The light elves believed that Danu was the bringer of all light and she was the mother creator, which to them, made her the main deity of our race. I myself agreed with the light elves. I mean it did make sense to honor the creator of our race not the goddess which the humans had once worshipped. Technically, Brigit had been one of us, only uber powerful.

Another thing that I didn't understand was this fading thing they kept talking about. Was it some new fey disease? I thought we were pretty much invincible. Maybe not. And what did I have to with stopping it?

I got up, restless, and more then a little angry and went to the door. I put my hands on the smooth, burnished wood, and tried to see if I could call to any water. The only thing I found was a little dab of liquid a few feet down the hall. I had never been cut off from my element.

I began to feel tired of the whole mess. Why did they have to come and ruin the life I had created for myself? My eyes started to droop. I needed to sit back down. I staggered over to the bed. The room swayed. I fell into the bed's silky coolness and tried to hold onto my thoughts. I had so many questions and not nearly enough answers. I had to get out of here. I had too…too…what? My limbs felt like they were filling with pudding, my mind full of fluffy cotton. Soon, I was floating through the air on a cushiony bed, surrounded by strange voices and even stranger faces. I must be dreaming, I thought. No one's face was that ugly…was it?

And when had I learned to fly?

Friday, July 20, 2007

Some Exciting News


It has been way too long since I have posted. But in my defense I have been very busy writing. What have I been writing? Well…lots of stuff but mainly I have been working with writing partner Mark on our Hell Hole Tavern series. It is near completion and next week we will be airing our first pod cast. Yep. Podcasting. That is what we are doing with it.

This has been such a labor of love. We have around 30 chapters, more if we can’t reign in our imaginations, and have left lots of room for additional stories. All the lose ends, the mismatched descriptions (I have a character who has had three different eye colors ;D), the inconsistency in places and times, and just other general stuff that has happened because we have been on again and off again. It has been very intense. We originally started this in 2002/3. So you can see why this is such a relief to be getting done. But we had our reasons.

For one, I needed time to grow back into my writing skin. When I got married I put down my pen and pad because my husband thought it was a stupid dream. But he is no longer around. I am free to be who I was meant to be.

Another thing, both Mark and myself have suffered some pretty hard times emotionally.
Ÿ I lost my husband in 2003, his wife got deathly ill at the end of 2003 (and still is not well)
Ÿ In 2004 my daughter fell off the edge because of her father’s death and I quit my job to take care of her and my mother (she had a heart attack and was told there was nothing left they could do for her COPD) and Mark’s wife slipped further into her illness and he into his worry
Ÿ 2005 brought more pain with the death of mother in Sept. and the death of my father in Dec. and my near financial ruin by not be able to work (living on Social Security Death benefits just don’t cut it)
Ÿ 2006 was sad for Mark because he lost his mother in October. It hit him pretty hard. He had to honor his mother’s wishes to not resuscitate after she had her heart attack. My dearest Mark, what a strong person you are.

So, as you can see, through all the down hill slides, we have kept working on this, kept improving, kept going forward. And we made it.

Mark signed with Swimming Kangaroo last month. His book, Isabellan Enticement, is due out the first part of January 2008. Very excited for him. Very excited for us too because his editor will be looking at Tales From the Hell Hole Tavern in a couple months. They are kind of busy and have their hands full but are interested in hearing more about our joint project. They would also like to hear our podcast. Good news for us!

Sure hope it fly’s. Sure hope I can get all the recordings done. I don’t have a very hi-fi place to make my recordings and getting my daughter to be quiet long enough for me to get something done requires either an act of congress or a miracle of God! I’d be happy with either one at this point.

I have included an excerpt from one of the chapters of the book. Hope whoever looks enjoys what they see and comes to Pod Cast Alley to download the first chapter of Tales from The Hell Hole Tavern.

See Ya!

Hell Bound - By Elizabeth Draper

Anithia stood beside her daughter at the entrance to the underworld. Behind her, the sounds of battle raged through the city and the voices of the dead and dying drifted to her on cold rancid air. Her body shook with both fear and apprehension. A small warm hand grasped her cold fingers.

“Be strong. Together we can conquer anything.” Missa spoke to her, her voice not her own but that of the goddess Anothosia. Missa looked different as well. A white light surrounded her fragile child’s body and her hair was no longer braided. Instead, it flowed in long waves down her back, nearly touching the floor. In one hand, she carried a silver staff that stood two feet higher than her four foot three frame, and at her hip she carried the sword of truth. Its polished ivory handle shimmered with its own life and a strange humming emanated from it—like it was singing. Sometimes, the goddess hummed along.

“Is Missa still in there with you?” Anithia asked.

“Yes. I have not harmed her, nor will any harm come to her that I can prevent, but Anithia, beloved daughter, we are going to war.” The goddess squeezed Ani’s hand then dropped it back down to the hilt of the sword. It sang louder. “She says ‘she loves you and not to worry. Her father is watching over you both.’”

Anithia’s stomach churned. Missa was with Larson? She wanted to cry. It had been so long since she had talked to her baby. It frightened her to know Missa and Larson were together. Larson was dead. Was Missa?

“Is she—is she—“ Ani couldn’t finish the question because she was too afraid of the answer.

The goddess gazed up at her, a sweet smile, so much like Missa’s own, spread serenely across her face. “She is fine. I simply cannot reside in her body with her soul in it. She has such a big soul that there is not enough room for the both of us. Her soul is—elsewhere, but part of her is still in my mind, directing me on how to use her gift.”

Ani gulped back tears and nodded. This was not the time to be weak. “Are you sure that just the two of us will be enough against Zorce and his minions?”

“We are not alone Anithia. You have the grace and the power of Omitan within your soul. His followers wait to be awakened by your song once we gain entrance. I have my faithful servant waiting for us as well.”

Ani fell silent. Anothosia’s words did not assure her. She did not feel like the all powerful god she served was inside her. How could Omitan’s followers already be within the gates? Surely they would have been discovered by now; discovered and killed?

“It is time.” The goddess stepped over the threshold of the entrance. Ani followed. It was dark and cold. The smell of misery and death hung thick in the air, clawing at Ani’s body and mind. Evil permeated everything. It was hard to breathe. The air felt oily and viscous.

“Deep, slow breaths Ani. Don’t let this place take you off your guard. If you let it, Hell will suck you down and never let you go.” The smile had faded from her daughter’s face. She now looked serious, focused.

Ani took a deep breath and tried to think about all the people who were counting on her. She thought of the sacrifice Calto and the Queen were making, of all the innocent people who fought on their side. Most of all, she thought of Missa and Larson. They watched her from somewhere very far away. She wanted to show them both how strong she had become. She wanted to show Larson that she had found her faith and overcome the obstacles Hell had placed in her way. Ani wanted to make them both proud.

She would not falter. She would not give in. She would not give up.

Anithia raised her chin and pulled her shoulders back square. She was the High Priestess of Omitan. She had come to deliver some pay back for the burning of Lokmir Forest and the killing of its inhabitants and caretakers. And for poor Starlight, who gave her own life in exchange for Ani’s.

“That’s it Ani,” the goddess whispered within her mind. “Feel your power flow through you like the songs of the great rivers that cut into the land, letting nothing stand in their way. Remember the people who believe in you and need you; feel their strength, hear the songs of their souls.”

Ani calmed her inner senses. The evil trying to steal her strength cried out, flailed at her defenses, and seeped away, becoming nothing more than background noise. Her inner melody became a rhythmic and solid beat. She began to build on this beat. She formed it into a white-hot glowing ball deep in her stomach, pulsating and alive. When the time was right, she would release it upon Zorce’s legions, annihilating them all, making them sorry for what they had done.

A brilliant white light shone from the moonstone that sat atop Anothosia’s Staff of Justice. It pushed back the inky darkness engulfing the road they walked. It warmed the air around them. As they drew closer, the path took on a distinctive shape, outlined by a reddish orange light. The remains of the victims of the Hellhounds and the demons were strewn carelessly about. Stray bits of bone and cloth, a shoe without a match, and even a cloth doll lay on the path before them. It was a gruesome sight and she knew it was only going to get worse the closer they got to the gates of Zorce’s Hell.

As they went deeper and the sights became more grisly, the sense that whatever the price, whatever the pain, Zorce had to be defeated, became clear and strong in Ani’s soul. She looked down at her baby walking beside her and felt a deep and biting sadness in that truth. They could die here, she and Missa, and the goddess along with them. They could die.

Whatever the cost...whatever the pain.

Was she ready for the cost this venture might ask of her? Was she willing to risk her own life’s blood and that of her daughter’s?

Unto to this world we are born with a destiny, a path that we all must walk. We are born to die in a specific manner and for a particular reason. How we walk it, either with great honor and strength or with deep shame and cowardice, are the only real choices we have.

Larson once said those words to her. She hadn’t understood them at the time. Now she did. She realized he had said them to her knowing that a day like this would come. He said them, to his beloved, with the foreknowledge that she might have to make this journey. The whole time they were together, he worked at preparing her for this. He molded her mind and shaped her soul, nurturing them both with his unending love and cautious wisdom. Her stubborn hero of a husband had worked to make her a hero too—only she was not doing this to be a hero. She was doing it because it needed to be done. Larson, she suspected, had felt the same way.

Larson had died doing his duty. He had died knowing few regrets, knowing that the world was a better place because he lived. It was a thin legacy, a hollow one without honor or glory or fame.

It was enough for her husband. It would be enough for her too. Ani firmed her resolve and fastened her eyes on the black gates. They were close. Too close.

They reached the gate. The goddess stopped walking. Her eyes were sad as she gazed upon the site before them. To either side were hundreds of crucified victims of the hell gods’ wrath. Ani tried to jerk her eyes away from the sight of impaled men, women, and children, but she could not. Her eyes kept coming back to their desecrated bodies, hanging forlorn and forgotten, praying she would not see someone she knew. She forced herself to look at the horrors on the gate, to look at the hell born Zorce had hung there because he thought himself betrayed.

Ani gasped, her hand flew to her mouth.

There, hanging with all of his organs exposed, was Mercktos. A rope, wrapped around his body, held him spread eagle on the gate. Ani looked into a ruined face. She shivered. He had no eyes and all the flesh had been peeled back from the bone. Maggots and scarabs crawled over his body, eating away at his remains. She had hated Mercktos once, hated him for taking her baby, but in the end, he was the one who saved Missa, sacrificing his soul, saving them all.

Ani looked away horrified and sickened. This piteous creature, disemboweled, dismembered, was once Zorce’s second in command, his greatest source of inflicting pain upon humanity; now he was nothing but bits and pieces of rotted meat. Even when she had hated the devil, she had never wanted him to suffer a death like this.

Anithia quickly turned away and threw up. When she had emptied the contents of her stomach, dry heaves wracked her body, leaving her weak and afraid. After long moments, she stood, but could only stare at the goddess.

“My poor sweet Paladin.” Anothosia walked up to the gate and laid her hand upon what was left of the devil’s leg.

Anithia hugged herself, her empty stomach spasmed. How could the goddess touch him?

“You have suffered greatly for me. Your sacrifice will not go un-rewarded.”

Anothosia drew the sword from her hip and sliced through the rope. Mercktos’ body fell to the ground in a pile of festering flesh and broken bones.

His hand twitched. Ani jumped.

“Oh my god! He isn’t still alive is he?” She couldn’t imagine anyone or anything surviving the torment she witnessed now.

“His body is still that of a devil, so he can not truly be destroyed this close to hell without using—unusual methods. Zorce probably ordered him tortured until near death and then hung here to heal. Then, when he was coherent, they did it all over again.”

Ani looked at Mercktos. Tears of compassion and sorrow trickled down her cheeks. If he had not betrayed Zorce, Tessla would never have found Missa and Anothosia would have been destroyed.

“Do not cry. I am not going to leave him to this fate.” Anothosia looked at Anithia; a calm and reassuring expression upon her face. “I made him a promise in my garden. I promised he would be my Paladin again, and that he shall be.”

Anothosia took her staff in both hands and turned Mercktos over so his gaping chest lay face up. The staff began to burn a brilliant white. She pressed its end into the remnants of Mercktos’ heart.

The heart shivered. It quivered. Fibers whipped out of the broken chamber, weaving, intertwining, forming healthy muscle and becoming whole. It began to beat. Anothosia bent down and plucked the beating heart from Mercktos’ chest. She held it aloft in her hands, perfect and whole.

The goddess pointed her still blazing staff at the rest of Mercktos’ body and set it a flame. In moments, it was nothing but ash.

“My goddess, I thought you were going to heal his body?” Missa said, surprised. What chance was there now of redeeming the devil? Anothosia had destroyed any hope of his resurrection.

The goddess gave Ani a wide smile, one that reminded her of Missa. She laughed. “That flesh was born from the pits of Hell. To keep my promise, Mercktos needs flesh of my flesh. He needs a new body to house his refurbished soul. I kept his heart because it was the only thing that was pure.”

Ani wasn’t sure what she meant, but who was she to question the ways of the gods.

In the distance, a howl sounded. They had been discovered.

“Well, whatever it is you’re going to do, you better do it now.” Ani looked nervously past the gates to the red sky beyond. The sound of clacking jaws and scrabbling claws echoed in the distance. As far away as they were, there had to be thousands of jaws clacking and claws scrabbling if she could already hear them.

Anothosia nodded once and turned her attention to the beating heart. She put both her staff and the heart on the ground before her and stepped back. She took her sword and drew it across the palm of her hand. Bits of bright light poured from her hand, spilling onto Mercktos’ heart. The heart beat faster, it expanded, refreshed, grew flesh and bone. It formed the beginnings of a body.

Ani looked on in awe, as Mercktos the Devil was reborn into Mercktos the Paladin. Anothosia gave her staff a tap. She whispered words of power too dire, too complex, for Ani to understand. Light shivered, and a wondrous sight lay before them.

A giant of a man lay on the ground, adorned in platinum armor. His hair fanned out around his head like a pool of liquid silver. His face was smooth and strong, his lips were full and kissable. His eyes opened.

“Arise, Paladin. Receive your weapon and my blessings.” Anothosia laid the Sword of Truth across her opened palms.

Mercktos stood up, a smile upon his face, his eyes a brilliant sea green. He was huge. Ani guessed him at no less then eight feet. “My goddess.” His voice poured from his mouth like honey, thick and sweet. “I knew you would come for me. I knew you would keep your promise. Thank you.”

A warmth stirred in Ani’s belly she had not felt since last she made love to Larson.

Anothosia smiled--warmth and joy flowing from her being. “I keep my promises. I forsake none. Here.” She stretched the sword out to the Paladin. “Take this. It is the sword of truth and will kill all in its path. No hell creature may stand before it. It is good to welcome you back…to bring you home.”

Mercktos took the mighty weapon in his hand and gripped it tightly in his fist. A flash of light streaked from the tip of the sword, down its length and into his body. It seemed to grow to fit his height. What was once a short sword fit for a woman to carry, had now become long and powerful, fit for the giant standing before them. The Paladin’s eyes flashed with power. “I will not fail you my goddess. And never again shall I be lead astray.”

Anothosia nodded once and then held out her hands again. The air shimmered. Bits of light swirled between her palms until they formed a white plumed, silver helmet. The face mask was that of a phoenix, with an overlay of gold.

Mercktos took the helmet from her and nodded his approval. He placed it on his head.

Anithia was amazed. He was beautiful. She had never seen a man more handsome, more powerful. He looked like a god. Ani swallowed nervously. She wanted to touch him, feel the power beneath the armor. Mercktos turned his ocean eyes upon her, and Ani was sure she was could melt into a puddle at his feet. Her whole body tingled.

“Are you ready Ani?” Anothosia had turned her gaze upon her. “I told you that Omitan’s followers were already here, and they are. All that is needed is for you and I too sing them awake. However, we must wait until Zorce’s forces are almost to the gates.”

“Hmm?” Ani blushed, having been caught ogling the goddess’ servant, then belated nodded. “I understand.”

Amusement danced in Anothosia’s eyes. “I do good work huh?”

Anithia’s face burned. “Um—yes, you do.”

Anothosia nodded, still smirking.

Ani looked away. Now was not the time to think such thoughts. She took up position on the goddess’ left and Mercktos to Anothosia’s right. In the distance hundreds of misshapen bodies scrabbled over each other in their attempt to be the first to tear the flesh from the intruder’s bones. It looked like a living, massive, beast, wriggling, seething, searching.

Ani’s lust turned to fear; all thoughts of beauty and body parts washing away in an instant. She knew she shouldn’t be afraid but she couldn’t help it. Without thinking, Ani turned to the goddess and hugged her. She pretended the small body was still her baby and kissed Anothosia’s soft hair.

“I love you Missa. Mommy loves you.”

Anothosia hugged her back and for one precious, and all too brief moment, Ani felt her sweet child’s presence.

“Have courage Mommy. Daddy and I love you.”

Anithia struggled to catch her breath. She shut her eyes tight against the threat of tears. She wouldn’t cry—not now. She would save her tears for when the war was over, because this was it. This was their last stand. It was all or nothing and if they didn’t win, sorrow was all that any living human would ever know. They would all drown in a river of tears and blood.

The screeching, howling and yelling was almost deafening now. The stench was horrendous. The acrid smell of sulfur clogged her nose as well as the scents of unwashed bodies and rotted meat. Ani wondered if she would ever breathe fresh air again.

They took a step forward. Ani braced herself. Within moments, the hell born horde arrived.


Dead, horrible, complete silence.

Ani held her breath, ready to release the power of her voice. She would blast them with everything she had—if her voice worked. It felt tight, powerless. She looked upon wave after wave of hell born. Thousands of them. Millions, maybe. She did not know. They were a blur of forms and shapes and faces. Some leaped. Some crawled. Some flew on great leathery bat wings.

A growling started in the back of the horde. The army began to part down the middle. Zorce strode amongst his amassed strength, a two-headed hellhound in hand, straining against its leash.

Zorce took only moments to reach the gates. His huge body towered over his servants, bulging and pulsing with power. Each muscle rippled and moved of its own accord, as if they were living things about to leap from his body. Long black claws, like daggars, extended from the ends of his fingers, clacking and flexing in anticipation. He was naked. Ani looked at his sex and paled. She could not imagine any woman surviving what he would offer them. Even a gentle touch would make fingers bleed. It oozed, bubbled, and steamed viscous yellow pus.

Zorce followed the direction of her gaze. He looked at her, pointed at his member, pointed at Ani, and smiled.

Ani felt fear like she had never known before. Her knees grew weak and she wanted to turn and run. A blanket of darkness fell upon her. She swayed unsteadily. But as quickly as the shadow came, Anothosia dispelled it with a wave of her staff. A white burst of energy broke from the moonstone and washed away whatever spell had Ani in its grip. Her fear subsided, slipped away from her soul. She no longer felt like she wanted to cower and hide.

Zorce laughed, deep and threatening. “A very fine trick goddess. But that pathetic little staff of yours won’t save you once I open these gates. Once they have torn you to shreds, I will unleash my army upon the world above. Unhindered.”

His smile was victorious, his eyes lit with Hell’s black hatred. To Ani it seemed he thought he was already King of the world above. The three before him mattered not.

But Anothosia did not waiver. She smiled and it was like seeing the sun come up, lighting the horizon with its warm orange and yellow rays, nourishing the earth. In that smile, all of life unfolded before Ani. She felt renewed and strengthened in her purpose. She felt like the impossible was possible.

“Still the same old rhetoric,” Anothosia noted. “I would have thought you would have used the centuries since our last meeting, to develop better dialogue and more impressive threats. Surely you don’t think I came so ill prepared, not after what I’ve been through to get here?” She tilted her head quizzically to the side, her expression unchanging.

Zorce narrowed his eyes. They slid to the left, then to the right. “I count three of you. A used up ex-devil, a halfling goddess, and a nature freak. Are you trying to tell me that’s all you think you need?”

Zorce’s laughter started deep in his stomach and erupted out of his mouth like an explosion. His whole body shook. The horde started to laugh, and then oddly, so did Anothosia.

Anithia looked at the goddess in shock. What was so funny? Why was she laughing? She didn’t understand, and neither apparently, did Zorce.

Zorce ordered silence. The only one left laughing was Anothosia.

“You laugh goddess—why?” Zorce’s jaw thrust forward. His overly developed chest muscles bulged. “You think my threats aren’t real?”

Anothosia stopped laughing and visibly composed herself. “Oh yes, of course I do. I just think it’s funny and a bit odd that you waited until the last moment to send reinforcements to the surface. I also find it amusing that you have your entire force bottlenecked at the Gate. Honestly, could you have made it any easier for me?” The goddess’ smile slowly lost its sweet nature and became sinister.

Ani tensed. She could feel the build up of power in the goddess’ staff. The sword in Mercktos’ hand began to hum louder. It was almost time.

Zorce felt it as well. His large black eyes widened in surprise. The god of hatred now realized his folly.

But before he could command his troops back away from the gate, Anothosia let loose her vengeance. Her voice rose high, strong, and unbelievably powerful. The combination of both Missa’s gift and the goddess’ own strength blew the first hundred feet of Hell creatures into complete nothingness. Others tumbled back, broke into pieces, and died. The air was suddenly filled with war cries, cries of pain, screams, roars, and the sound of breaking reality. Anothosia’s voice drowned it all out, overrode it, surmounted and surpassed it. Her voice, gentled, quieted, stopped.

Zorce was untouched. He had thrown a protective shield up around himself. Anothosia’s attack had left only scorch marks on his arms and torso. He sneered.

“Now, Ani,” Anothosia ordered, “sing to the seeds that Omitan planted. Bring our allies to life!” Exuberance emanated from her voice. She was in her element and drunk on the power of the song. This was her first real test of her power combined with Missa’s gift.

Anithia started to sing. She sang of life and the joy in living it. She let her voice carry past the gates of Hell, over the diamond paved streets, and into all the hidden crevices. She made her voice rise above the screams and roars. Her notes searched for the seeds that Omitan had spread in his flight. She saw them in her mind’s eye. She sensed their presence with her melody. Her voice touched each one and gave it life with her song.

Over the rocky and barren landscape of Hell, the seeds of Omitan sprang forth from nothing, nourished only on the Song of Life that poured from the heart and soul of Omitan’s offspring. Whole trees sprang to life, seeds from the ancient forest of Lokmir. And from those trees came the gelfs, the sprites, the tree stalkers, the selkies and numerous other servants of Omitan, each ready to defend the forests and the people who called them their home; each ready to avenge the deaths of their brethren.

Chaos erupted as the trees themselves took vengeance on those who had destroyed their ancestors, ravaging the earth and raping its bounty. Branches reached down and pounded Hells’ creatures into bloodied piles of pulp.

From above, two-headed, winged monsters spit acid upon the trees and all below, hitting some of their own as well.

Ani sang on, pushing her voice deeper into Hell, realizing that it was not only the trees she was singing to life but all the hell spawn children trapped in Hell unwillingly because they were sacrificed for another’s greed, her song coursing through their broken bodies, healing gaping wounds, giving them fresh hope. And as each Hell spawn was filled with that which was forgotten, they turned upon their tormentors, fighting them with everything they had.

Cries of surprise and anguish filled the air as the ground became covered in black, red and green blood. Hell’s diamonds lost their sheen and became slick underfoot.

And as the battle raged on, for what seemed forever, the flow of Hell kind ebbed farther and farther back into Hell. Their numbers decreased. Their retreat was slowed by the very spawn they had tortured.

Ani swayed. She felt drained. But what had she expected, she thought? Each bit of life their side gained, she lost. She fed them with her own energy, her own soul. And Ani only had so much to give before there was nothing left. She was a stopgap to the horde, a blind alley meant to hold them in check while the real battle raged.

Fire and light still battled on beside her, raw energy sizzled upon the air. Neither Zorce nor Anothosia had gained ground. Ani tensed, grew anxious, as the scene before her seemed to go on perpetually, as if it would last until the stars fell from the sky. But it her worry was short lived as it all stopped.

Roiling energies faded away, seeping back into the ones who spawned it. Anothosia stood beside her, sweat drenched, bleeding from her nose and ears. Sagging. Anithia refrained from grabbing her and mothering her. From the other side of the gate, Zorce glared hate, seething in his anger, but he looked little better. His front was drenched in blood. His body was charred, battered; only the fieriness in his eyes had not abated.

Zorce roared—

Ani jumped.

—and he charged the gates.

He crashed into the bone barrier. The sound of his impact reverberated through Hell, sending tingling sensations deep into Anithia’s eardrums, making them feel as if they would burst. The gates trembled. They shivered and vibrated. Zorce struck them again, hitting them with lightning from his horns and blows from his fists, shaking the earth beneath her feet as the mighty barriers between the god forsaken and the yet to be judged, came crashing down, hinges screeching, bones snapping—

Anothosia staggered.

Everything paused.

Ani’s voice quieted. The roars ceased. Only a few dying screams remained. Ani was so tired, so exhausted, she doubted she could turn and run to save her life. There was no way for her except forward, into hell, into the arms of a being who desired almost nothing more than he desired to gain control of her soul. She drew in a fresh breath, and sang once more, but it was too late.

The sudden stilling had been the lull before the storm. As Hell’s creatures realized they were no longer bottled up, they began to stream toward the gate, unhindered in their mad rush to escape the slaughter behind them.

Ani dived to the side as Zorce’s hound lunged for her. Her song stopped abruptly, her energy seemed to drain into the ground.

Hell was unleashed…and it was all her fault.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

It's Been Four Years

It has been four years since my husband shot himself in the heart. It seems like only yesterday I was making his funeral arrangements and trying to make sense of everything. And yes, I still miss him and find it hard to accept I will never see him again. Maybe in the life after this I will but who knows. All I know is that he is absent from this one when he shouldn’t have been. He was needed here.

You know who it hurts the most though? My daughter.

When I was growing up I was really close to my dad. He was everything to me and I went everywhere with him. They use to call me his little shadow because wherever he was, his shadow was right behind him. I miss him too, terribly so, and I can’t imagine how my daughter feels without her father.

I lost my Dad, mentally, when I was nineteen. He had a grand mal stroke and afterwards just wasn’t my Dad anymore. When he ceased to be able to function on his own it was like someone had cut out my heart. I liken the event to the sinking of the Titanic because that’s what he was. A giant of a man that I thought was invincible. He had his stroke in 1988. He lived until Dec. 15 of 2005. That was almost twenty years. Twenty years of crying, regret, and missing him even though he was only a few miles away at my brother’s house (my brother took care of him all those years). The day his body died, I just fell apart all over again. I thought that after twenty years of missing him and grieving over his absence, I wouldn’t have any more tears to shed. But I did. It seems I cried a million tears that day and a million more after.

You know what the funny thing is? Everyone kept telling me that I should be thankful that he lived so long afterwards. Are they kidding? If that pathetic half state of being sick, incoherent, and totally dependent on someone else, was a good thing, well Hell, paralyze me now and throw me in a bed! I mean, that’s what it was for him. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Sickness took my father from me. Sickness took my baby doll’s Daddy from her.

When she speaks to me of him, and she rarely does, I try to let her know that he loved her. I don’t know if telling her that matters but I don’t know what else to say. I mean, he did love her, just not his life. That is why he ended it. But it still hurts. She still longs for a father. And I just can’t give her one.

I hate dating. I hate trying to find something that works. There are just so many weirdo’s out there disguised as your everyday average Joe. But they’re not. Baby rapers, women beaters, drug addicts, alcoholics, and just plain lazy bums that think the world owes them a living and you should be the one supporting them; that is what the majority are. And being older doesn’t help. I am not that old really. Thirty-eight. I’m still attractive. I do get asked out quite a bit and propositioned more often then I want. But it’s just not that easy. If I were alone it would be different. But with a young child, a pretty, attractive, looks like she’s fifteen when she’s actually eleven, child, I have to be more cautious.

So, no new Daddy for my baby. She will just have to be happy with my brother. He tries hard to be a surrogate father for her. He is such a wonderful man. He is kind, generous, considerate, intelligent, wise, and understanding. Sometimes where I fail to be patient, he reminds me by his actions that my daughter is deserving of my understanding. I don’t know what I would do without him. I love him dearly.

Well, I’ve cried in my orange juice enough for one morning. It has been a tough week so far and this isn’t helping things. Not only did Gary shoot himself with my handgun, but he shot himself on our 12th wedding anniversary.

Today would have been 16 years of marriage.

Now it’s just four years of loss.

In loving memory:

Gary Wayne Van Zandt
Born Unto Us: March 10, 1963
Left Us too Soon: March 7, 2003

Brickyard Road Lyrics by The Johnny Van Zant Band (and yes he's distantly related)

Doesn't seem that long ago
Three of us walkin' down that road
Grey '55 Chevy parked in the front yard
Little Melody tagged along
Those were the best days now they're gone
Oh it's been twelve years since it went down
Lord, lost my best friend now
I can still see him fishin' on that old dock
I know I can't bring back yesterday
But oh Lord can't you help me find my way
Down to brickyard road
Oh, walk on down
Down to brickyard road
He's with me now
Swore I saw a Free Bird fly
Ridin' the winds of a Southern sky
When I hear that whistle blow
It carries me back
To brickyard road
Brother, do you realize what you've done?
Touched the hearts of everyone
You might've died too young
But your songs live on
I know I can't bring back yesterday
But we'll be all together again some day
Down on brickyard road
Oh, walk on down
Down to brickyard road He's with me now
Swore I saw a Free Bird fly
Ridin' the winds of a Southern sky
When I hear that whistle blow
It carries me back
To brickyard road
I can see him standin' on the dock
His old chevy out in the front yard
Walk on down, walk on down
Momma and Daddy's doin' all right
I saw Melody last Saturday night
She's all grown up, she's such a pretty girl
Things just ain't the same since you left our world
Oh, brickyard road
Hear me now
I can see him, down on brickyard road
Swore I saw a Free Bird fly
Ridin' the winds of a Southern sky
And when I hear that whistle blow
It carries me back
To brickyard road
Oh, brickyard road
Oh, brickyard road
Wanna go back
To brickyard road

Friday, November 03, 2006

Been A While

It has been quite some time since I have written anything. That is because I have been trying to get my first book ready for publication. I am super excited. Although we have a snag.

My writing partner, Mark, just lost his mother. I feel so awful for him. I just lost my Mom and Dad last year and it was a terrible shock for me. I know how he feels right now and the last thing on his mind is writing. So, until he has a few months to grieve, I have taken up writing down my other ideas for some other stories.

I came up with a new one just recently. I am really hyped about it and have been sketching out some stories ideas for it. I love to write series. I would like to make it at least a trilogy but who knows. I have quite a few story ideas for my main character and the cast of secondary characters. I think it is something that readers will like. My writing it still growing and changeing and that has me pumped too. I am getting good reviews of my writing and things just feel really right.

Anyway, wanted to write something - felt like I was out of touch.

Bed time now, very tired, been working a lot. Again. Too busy. Need a maid, a nanny, a slave! LOL. Okay. Good night.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Here's My Red Flag

Today I was reading Laurell K. Hamilton’s blog and happened to be browsing the back entries when I came across the one dated 7/6/06. It was titled Authors and the Trolls. And as I was reading it, I became a little nervous—worried.

First, let me summarize what the blog was about.

So often times there are things written that not everyone agrees with and because of that it flares controversy and disdain. For instance, in Laurell’s blog she was discussing an incident that happened on a blog site to MaryJanice Davidson, a friend of hers and a very good writer. Apparently, they really dug into her and were just plain nasty. They didn’t like her books. So, in an attempt to make her friend feel better, she wrote her a very encouraging letter, stating that she too had been lambasted more then once or twice on the public domain of the internet.

This got me to shuddering.

I myself have decided to write in a similar genre of the two authors and the thought of being hauled out publicly and paraded around on a proverbial, internet cross really got me going. I truly do not think I could handle being called names. I might hurt someone.

I agree with Laurell. If you don’t like what someone is writing, then by God…DON’T READ IT YOU MORON! Eww. I am not tolerant of stupid people and bigots just plain piss me off. About the time someone started crap with me on the net they would be in boatload of shit. There is this thing called slander and it doesn’t just apply to the spoken word. I would be on them like white on rice. They would have lawyers crawling up their little posteriors so fast they wouldn’t be able to sit right for months.

God bless you MaryJanice. You keep writing and keep doing what you’re doing because some people just need to get a life and stop worrying ‘bout someone else’s backyard. And you know, most people who find offense at certain things, they themselves are fighting an inner demon along the same lines of the subject matter they are hootin’ and hollerin’ about. It makes them a very sad, pathetic, and miserable person, and not just to other’s around them. They usually can’t stand to be in their own skins.

Nope. I don’t plan to change my writing style one bit. I hope I get published so I can wave the red flag in front of the bull too.

Here is Laurell's blog:

Saturday, August 12, 2006

And what did I learn today?

Well, I learned that if I was fifty pounds heavier I would be quite desirable by chubby chasers and if I was fifty pounds lighter I would be desirable by the neighbor down the street. And that if I was more blond I would be perfect for my daughter's best friends uncle. Now, if I should decide to die my hair back to the lovely shade of red I had a couple three years back and take off about twenty pounds, a woman I met today knows a guy who would find me delightful.

For shit sake! What the hell is wrong with the way I look now? They can all just stuff it! I'm so irritated I can't decide if I should gain weight, lose weight, excersise more, excercise less, die my hair, or shave my head! I just want to be left alone damn it! If anyone so much as mentions my single status I will HURT THEM.

Sorry. I am feeling a bit CRANKY! When I said this earlier to the woman with the friend who has the "red hair fetish" she asked me if I was just maybe going through a mood swing.

NO. I AM NOT. I'm tired of people feeling sorry for me because I don't have a man. I don't need one. I function quite well all by myself. I know perfectly well how to take the garbage out, toss my dirty socks and underwear on the floor, and have no problem driving around lost, refusing to ask for directions. SO THERE! I even have a pathetic looking t-shirt and raggedy old tennis shoes that I refuse to throw away because they're comfortable.

Honestly, I must be missing something because way to many people are butting into my personal life. I appreciate the fact that they think I would make a wonderful...whatever...but don't fell like dating right now. I am happy doing my own thing. Which is writing, hanging out with my daughter, and listening to my music.

Sigh. I will fall in love again when I fall in love again. It could be years, it could be days, but I want to do it all by myself. Well. That sounded kind of funny.

LOL. Okay. I am done complaining. I feel better. Time to mellow out and get my music fix. This song outta' mellow me out.


Who got the hooch
Who got the hooch
Who got the only sweetest thing in the world

The working day was long
And the road is grinding on
And your body’s winding down again
The tribal fire’s here
And the circle speaks so near
And the simple truth so very much clearer

Who got the hooch, baby
Who got the only sweetest thing in the world
Who got the love, who got the fresh-e-freshy
Who got the only sweetest thing in the world

Let’s get real, let’s get heavy
Till the water breaks the levee
Let’s get loose, loose, who got the hooch

The birds and bees will sing
The jams begin to ring
The good vibes flow from me to you
The evening turns to night
The fire and moonlight
The dance of all who came before

Who got the hooch, baby
Who got the only sweetest thing in the world
Who got the love, who got the fresh-e-freshy
Who got the only sweetest thing in the world

Let’s get real, let’s get heavy
Till the water breaks the levee
Let’s get loose, loose, who got the hooch

Who got the hooch, baby
Who got the only sweetest thing in the world
Who got the love, who got the fresh-e-freshy
Who got the only sweetest thing in the world

Who got the hooch, baby
Who got the only sweetest thing in the world
Who got the love, who got the fresh-e-freshy
Who got the only sweetest thing in the world

Let’s get real, let’s get heavy
Till the water breaks the levee
Till the water breaks you lose
who got the hooch

Sunday, August 06, 2006

I Am Blessed

I was talking to my brother the other day complaining about there not being enough hours in the day, and that it would really help me out if my daughter would give me an hour to myself. That I wish I could do what I wanted, when I wanted, and how I wanted. And as I was prattleing on about having to entertain her, he stopped me with these words.

"I wish I was you."

I nearly fell over. Someone saying to me, "I wish I was you," is a statement that completly boggles my mind.

I replied in kind by telling him he was crazy, and that if he would like to drive my ugly chevy sprint around, work on my falling-down house, and stress about insurance, house taxes, fruit cake neighbors, and a lawn mower that refused to work, be my guest!

But he just shook his head and sighed. "I miss my kids. I miss taking them to the movies, being their soccor coach, and just being their dad. I wish I had a reason to get up other then just work everyday."

By God, he said it so quiet and sad that I nearly cried. Very rarely does my brother open up to me. VERY rarely. I can't think of more then three conversations we have had over the last few years that involved emotions. Maybe for me but not him.

He went on to tell me that someday I will have plenty of time to sleep in, lounge around the house in my pj's and I will hate it. I will miss all the flurry of activity and be all alone in my little house.

Well, I have news for him!

He's right.

I will miss my darling terribly and even though I do not get much sleep, I would not trade a moment of my awake time for more zzz's.

I hugged him. Another thing I rarely do. I am not a touchy, feely person unless it is someone really close. It's that "American bubble thing" again.

Anyway, tired, still having computer problems, and need to go to bed. My eyelids have had it for today.

Good night.

Friday, August 04, 2006

On A Brighter Note...

I read my last post and realized how awful I sounded. I must admit that not being able to write has given me some thought time.

I have developed my story idea that I was talking about the other day into at least another three books. That makes the total five now. And I have decided that main character, Blue, is going to start out not giving a damn about her own people but through personal lose, due to her insensitivity, she gains a bit of a conscience. She learns to love not only her own people but herself, whom she has been running from since she left home.

Each book will contain the five parts of her journey to restore her people and unite them as a cohesive civilization again. In her first adventure she kills the queen. The other books that follow will be about her gathering the four other fractured kingdoms under her leadership and wiping out the "fading". I am very excited about it really and I believe that is why I am so upset about not being able to use my Word Perfect. I swear, if that stupid program ate any of my stuff I will tell everyone I know what a piece of garbage that program is.

Sorry. Irritation level rising. Doesn't help that I am sick. I have a stupid summer cold. It's been so damn hot here that being outside for any length of time is unbearable. I believe I got heat exhaustion the other day when I took my daughter fishing. Came in from the heat, took a cool shower, and then ended up with the chills. I'm paying for my air conditioning now. Head hurts, nose stuffy, neck stiff and of course, no sleep.

Anyway, back to Blue. I have found lots of interesting stuff on the net and have had quite the adventure reading. I firmly have my plot in place and olny need to start writing scenes down. Okay. I will skip the complaint about the computer again. But I can always write it down and if worse comes to worse there are always the computers at the library. I can use their Microsoft Word programs - no problem! I'm half tempted to break out the master card and buy myself MS 2003. Very tempting. No. I have house taxes due.

Sigh. I want to be rich damn it. You know, my brother suggested I share a room with my daughter and get a room mate to share the expenses with. But who? I don't want a stranger in my house and I am so damn picky about smoking and drinking. I don't mind someone a bit messy but then there is that safety issue with having a child.

Nope. No roommate. I will just have to suffer. Back to Blue.

Well, I think I will do some more surfing (LOL. I typed suffering instead of surfing - shows my mental state) and check out some more websites for my story. I will post some of the more interesting ones. One freaky site is called "Order of the White Lion." It is like a religious school of thought and they teach eclectic religious and social idealism; worth a look see if nothing else. Here is the link.

You will have to cut and paste the link. Sorry. The system is not working well and I am having trouble getting it to add a link. Couldn't get it too post at before. At least now I can do that.

Happy surfing all!

I am SOOOOO going nuts!

It has been three days since my word perfect program took a dump. I haven't been able to type anything. I am cranky, pissy, and just plain mad. NOTHING is getting written. I am now deviising ways of writing that does not include that STUPID program...and yes I hate it. Hated it the moment I started using it.


Okay. That felt a little better. Not much, but slightly. What I really need is too hurt the person who produced the stupid program.

Lord, I need to take some deep breathes and figure out a way to get through this. I could type online and save it here on Blogspot. Then, when things are working again, I can copy the info from here and paste it on my computer. Good lord. Gonna have to kill someone for this. I'm thinking that my daughter downloaded one of her programs off the net and didn't bother to scan it. I came in and found our firewall turned off. I know it was her. She is the only other one using the stupid thing.

I can't wait until we get another computer and NO she is not allowed to use mine. Alright, done complaining. Gotta' work on the problem some more.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Inspiration Among the Songs

You know how you run across a song that "does it for you"? A song that you can really get into and have fun with? Well, one of my favorites, one I just love to listen too is “Werewolves of London”, by Warren Zevon.

Now, I’m not sure why but damn if it doesn’t bring out the inner wolf. I love to howl...I mean sing along with it. ;D The same for Little Red Riding Hood by Sam the Sham. I suppose my love of the wild, especially wolves, might have something to do with this but I have only collected wolves for the last fifteen years or so and I have loved those songs since I was a little girl. Not to mention that in my younger days my friends and myself used to go out into the country and watch the stars and bay at the moon. Yes, way weird, but teenagers are the strangest beasts.

But I guess these are not the only two songs that get my blood going. Anything with a good beat and a fun feeling gets me movin’ and groovin’ too.

Then there are the songs that inspire or engage my imagination. “Don’t Pay the Ferryman” by Chris Deburgh is one that I listen to when I need to feel the importance, the depth, of something I am writing. The urgency if you will. I am not sure if it is the lyrics or the beat. Maybe both. Here are the lyrics in case you have never heard of it and if you click on the link you can hear a 20 sec. snippet to refresh your memory.

Don't Pay the Ferryman

It was late at night on the open road,
Speeding like a man on the run,
A lifetime spent preparing for the journey;
He is closer now and the search is on,
Reading from a map in the mind,
Yes there's the ragged hill,
And there's the boat on the river. And when the rain came down,
He heard a wild dog howl,
There were voices in the night - "Don't do it!"
Voices out of sight - "Don't do it!
Too many men have failed before,
Whatever you do,

Don't pay the ferryman,
Don't even fix a price,
Don't pay the ferryman,

Until he gets you to the other side;" In the rolling mist, then he gets on board,
Now there'll be no turning back,
Beware that hooded old man at the rudder,
And then the lightning flashed, and the thunder roared,
And people calling out his name,
And dancing bones that jabbered and a-moaned On the water. And then the ferryman said,
"There is trouble ahead,
So you must pay me now," - "Don't do it!"
"You must pay me now," - "Don't do it!"
And still that voice came from beyond,
"Whatever you do,

Don't pay the ferryman,
Don't even fix a price,
Don't pay the ferryman,

Until he gets you to the other side;

Don't pay - the ferryman!"

For some reason this song makes me think of stuff like “Lord of the Rings” or “Thieves World”. I like to listen to it while I am thinking about story plots and such or when I need to get in the mood to write. Or other good ones are “Holding Out for a Hero” by Bonnie Tyler, “Dreams” by The Cranberries, "Fire and Ice" by Enya, and "Die Another Die" by Madonna. It is fun way to write. Or when my main character is going through a rough spot I like to listen to songs like, “Only You” by Yazoo or the spainish version of that “Ven Dimelo” by Marc Antony, "Desert Rose" by Sting, “With Arms Wide Open” by Creed and “Runaway Train” by Soul Asylum. Oh, and just one more I have to add. "Don't Answer Me" by the Alan Parsons Project.

Then there are the “I just want or need a boost” songs. Like Mary Chapin Carpenter “Down at the Twist and Shout”, or “Ballroom Blitz” by Cream, and...Oh! “Iko, Iko” by The Belle Stars and “December 1963" by the Four Seasons. It is almost guaranteed that I get up out of my chair and dance around a bit (despite the cereal problem - see July 4, entry, "Bemoaning My Youth").

Well, I could go on forever but I am feeling pretty inspired and need my daily fix of music, so night all!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Hips Don't Lie

Okay, this is for all those women who wear hip huggers...and shouldn't.

The current rage of hip huggers is almost an epidemic. Everywhere you look women are donning these atrocities and thinking they look fashionable and (shudder) attractive.

Well, they're not. For one, most people wear their jeans tight. Women wear them unbearable so. And when you are wearing hip huggers tight, jeans no longer become sexy. Having your love handles pour over the sides of the fabric is NOT sexy. It actually looks uncomfortable. Why would anyone want a wade of material bunched up under their bellies? Not to mention those who's thong bikini's peak (practically wave) out the back. Honestly, hip huggers were not made for everyone. Case in point.

I was at Wal-Mart (my home away from home) two weeks ago, and there were a gaggle of girls ranging from 15-20 something, all of them wearing hip huggers. Out of the 5 or 6 young ladies (and I am using the term 'ladies' loosely) only two of them looked okay in their apparrel. The others were stuffed to near bursting and their tops (what little there was of them) left absolutely nothing to the imagination. And trust when I say that my imagination would have been kinder.

Sigh. What it wrong with these women?

Last summer I was at the beach with my daughter and a three young girls (and I mean young - 14, 15) were nearly nude. Almost all the guys on the beach noticed them and were practically zombie-ized by the display. The girls became offened and uncomfortable. One had the nerve to say "Jesus, what the fuck are they staring at?"

Well. Let's see. Your asses are hanging out of your bikini bottoms. The top barely covers your nipples, and the strings are barely keeping what little is covered...covered. They want to walk on the beach with almost nothing, and I do mean NOTHING on and then bitch because men are staring at them? Oh please. Go stand on a corner. At least you'd get paid. And if you want to be naked in public, then go to a nude beach.

My father would have killed me. I wouldn't have made it out of the house without a bra on and my body covered. When I worked in the office of a local highschool, we sent several girls home because you could their b**bs hanging out the bottom of their shirts. If shirt is what you called the two strips of material they were wearing. And other instances included girls not wearing underwear with mini-mini skirts. I was so shocked that I didn't know what think, especially when the parents came in and asked what was wrong with their kids appareal.

What the hell do you mean "what's wrong?"

Parents are clueless and most disgust me. I don't let my daughter associate with a lot of kids because of their parents. And if I don't know the parents my daughter doesn't play with their kid. Period. That is an absolute. I really don't care if everyone thinks I am choosing my daughters friends...because I am. Her friends know what I expect of them and when they are in my presence they will be respectful or they will be out the door and out of my daughters life. One of her little friends found that out the hard way. She isn't allowed around anymore.

Hey. It's my way or the highway. My daughter is not going to end up pregnant, doped, and skilless, before she is 18. Over my dead decaying body. My daughter is bright, funny, beautiful, and the most important, the most valuable, thing in my life. She is an investment of love, time, and sacrifice and all shall not be in vain.

So, forgive me my sweet baby, you don't get the hip huggers you wanted. Besides, their over $50 a pair and their not even cute.

Hippy Hippy Shake Song

For goodness sake,
I've got the hippy hippy shake.
I've got the shake,
oh the hippy hippy shake.
Oo I can't keep still
with the hippy hippy shake.
I get my fill
with that hippy hippy shake.
Oo my babe,
aw the hippy hippy shake.
Well now you shake it to the left,
you shake it to the right.
Do the hippy shake shake
with all of your might.
And you shake.
Oh you shake.
Oo my babe.
Aw the hippy hippy shake.
Well now you shake it to the left,
you shake it to the right.
Do the hippy shake shake
with all of your might.
And you shake.
Yes you shake.
Oo my babe.
Aw the hippy hippy shake.
Aw the hippy hippy shake.
Yeah the hippy hippy shake.
Oh yeah.